
Showing posts from April, 2016

Spanish Chatter Pix

What's more fun than animals dressed up and speaking Spanish? Señora Pina's 4th, 5th and 6th grade elementary Spanish students were able to do just this! These students were learning the first person tenses of the Spanish verbs "to be" and "to have". To practice their new learning, the students were able to pick an animal that they wanted to be. They found images of their chosen animal online, saved them to their iPads and imported the images into the app "Chatterpix". This fun app allows students to add their own voice recording to any image to make it "talk". The students spoke as if they were the animal to describe their characteristics in the first person. Check out the video below for a sampling of these projects. Buen trabajo estudiantes de español!

April Teacher Spotlight - Lisa Nadlicki

What happens when art is blended with Google Slides and a heap of engaged middle school students are added ? Art portfolios that are easily shared with the class and the world with just a few clicks! The April teacher spotlight is Lisa Nadlicki. This teacher has learned right along with her students how to create and share Google Slideshow presentations with embedded images of the student's own art work.  Through this learning, she developed a way for all students (who want to and have parent permission) to be able to share their 2D art with the world outside of Glen Lake. Mrs. Nadlicki stated, " This year I decided to have electronic portfolios be a part of the 2D art class. T he portfolio is part of the student’s grade and they have the opportunity to have their portfolios published on the Glen Lake Web Page as well.   There were many purposes for this: I wanted students to see a progression in their work I wanted students to have all of their work in one place so ...

Physics, Algebra and Tech Integration!

Our high school physics classes have been using the SparkVue software on their student laptops to collect and analyze data through various Pasco sensors and probes. Glen Lake Community Schools purchased a site license for this software and it is installed on the high school student-issued laptops. This software enables students to collect real time data using sensors and probes through the SparkVue program. These technologies together allow students to immediately analyze the data to get to deeper levels of understanding with in the content.  In one lab recently, the math and physics teachers collaborated for a cross-curricular lab with the Physics I and Algebra I students. Shannon Fisher, Glen Lake's Physics and Chemistry teacher stated "Jim Douglas (GL math teacher) and I collaborated on a lesson covering forces. His middle school Algebra I students joined my sophomore Physics I students to investigate how changing the mass of a cart and pulling force affects the ...

Student Annoucements - For students, by students

How do announcements happen in your school? Are they read over the loud speaker or maybe posted somewhere for classroom teachers to read? At Glen Lake, in the Elementary and High School, the students are producing their own annoucements! In both settings, students read the current school events and happenings in front of a green screen. This allows for the editors to put the announcers in any backdrop they choose! Elementary students use the Green Screen app by Do Ink and edit in iMovie on their iPads and the HS students use specific higher-end broadcasting tools and software by NewTek. In both cases, the students are in charge. From practice, to filming, editing, and sharing, the students are creating a valuable product for their peers and teachers. Teamwork, cooperation, communication, and diligence are just a few of the skills these students need to pull this off everyday. These students are also under a time crunch and sometimes "the show must go on", even when there ar...