What is Genius Hour?
The concept of "Genius Hour" has been taking off in schools with a movement back towards creating, making, creativity, student-centered learning and student-choice. At the heart of the genius hour concept is that students are exploring their passions and curiosities during a specific period of time carved out each week. Students learn to be more self-directed learners and develop a love for life-long learning. The students choose their topic, their points of research and plan how they will create artifacts to demonstrate their learning to share with a larger audience. The teacher facilitates the process through questioning, guiding and providing structures to help students stay on task.
Many of our Glen Lake Elementary teachers have embraced the genius hour concept and have been incorporated it into their classrooms over last two years. Engagement runs high as students are researching, learning, creating and presenting. Their pride in their work is evident as they present their topics and artifacts as a final culmination of their projects. Check out some of the pictures below of 6th grade students presenting their genius hour learning. Their research topics were very diverse including Medieval Times, NASCAR history, WW2 aircrafts, Kung Fu, shart attacks, computer coding, haunted places in Europe, zip lining and many more!
Tyler Buchholz of Mrs. Flynn's 6th grade class said of the genius hour projects, "I liked researching the history (of NASCAR) and choosing what we wanted to learn about."
Special thanks to Mrs. Flynn and hats off to all our teachers who are not afraid to try to new things, step out of their comfort zone, challenge students with high expectations and learn right along with their students during these projects!
Many of our Glen Lake Elementary teachers have embraced the genius hour concept and have been incorporated it into their classrooms over last two years. Engagement runs high as students are researching, learning, creating and presenting. Their pride in their work is evident as they present their topics and artifacts as a final culmination of their projects. Check out some of the pictures below of 6th grade students presenting their genius hour learning. Their research topics were very diverse including Medieval Times, NASCAR history, WW2 aircrafts, Kung Fu, shart attacks, computer coding, haunted places in Europe, zip lining and many more!
Tyler Buchholz of Mrs. Flynn's 6th grade class said of the genius hour projects, "I liked researching the history (of NASCAR) and choosing what we wanted to learn about."
Special thanks to Mrs. Flynn and hats off to all our teachers who are not afraid to try to new things, step out of their comfort zone, challenge students with high expectations and learn right along with their students during these projects!
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